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This color tracing font is intended to help those learners struggling with learning their letters, whether it is due to dyslexia or other learning disabilities. The color coding will help clear up confusion as young students figure out letter formation. This is the ARROW VERSION!


NOT ALL software supports color fonts. The clipart PNG files as well as PowerPoint files for easy copying and pasting are included so that whatever program you are using you will have an option that works!


THE LATEST VERSION of POWERPOINT claims to support color fonts! Make that update and then you should be able to use these font files just like ANY other font files! This is based on user's feedback so it may depend on your specific operating system as well. Color fonts are still not supported industry-wide. Fingers crossed it gets better and better!


Starting dots and pick-up dots are included with a sheet explaining the intention of them and the colors.


Not all programs can support color font files yet. Check for more information on what programs do support color font files currently. The Clipart files can be used in PowerPoint, Word, Acrobat, etc!


Includes TEN stroke pieces to help teach letter formation!


The full uppercase and lowercase alphabet, numbers and punctuation are included in FOUR styles:

  • lined
  • unlined
  • solid
  • dotted


What is included:

  • Font files (OTF - OpenType and TTF - TrueType)
  • Clipart PNG files at 300 dpi
  • PowerPoint files with each set of letters for easy copy and pasting!


Alternate Options included for:

  • capital I
  • capital M
  • capital J
  • capital R
  • capital Y
  • lowercase h
  • lowercase p
  • lowercase k
  • lowercase q (2 options)
  • lowercase y
  • lowercase l
  • lowercase t
  • number 1
  • number 4
  • number 5
  • number 7
  • number 9


Click the VIEW PREVIEW button to see all of the characters included!


OTF format (OpenType) and TrueType format included. You will need to know which one is better and how to install fonts on your specific computer. If you don't, please ask someone familiar with your specific computer as I am unable troubleshoot for every one on installing fonts. Thank you!





You may use the fonts you purchase in my store for any personal or commercial projects. If commercial projects credit/attribution is REQUIRED along with the provided logo. You can use them online in blogs as well with credit/attribution and logo.


You may NOT use the font to create products that are ONLY the font as the main element, they must be used in a worksheet or activity. (For example, a task card with ONLY the font is not allowed. It must be part of a larger design.)


You may never resell or redistribute my fonts and if you would like to share this resources with another teacher, please purchase an additional license.

Green Means Go Font & Clipart ARROW VERSION - Color Tracing Font



You may use the fonts you purchase in my store for any personal project and some commercial projects - as described in the FULL TERMS OF USE. If commercial projects credit/attribution is REQUIRED along with the provided logo. You can use them online in blogs as well with credit/attribution and logo.

You may NOT use the font to create products that are ONLY the font as the main element, they must be used in a worksheet or activity. (For example, a task card with ONLY the font is not allowed. It must be part of a larger design.)

You may never resell or redistribute my fonts and if you would like to share this resources with another teacher, please purchase an additional license.



  • Use the font for one user on multiple computers/devices.
  • Embed the font into an editable teaching product for resale as long as it is not the MAIN part of the product.
  • Sell digital products using the font on the product as long as the font is not the MAIN item in the product. Example - you cannot create tracing sheets where the font is the only thing on the page. You cannot create alphabet posters where the font is the MAIN item for resale. You can create these for personal use.
  • Sell hard goods as long as the hard goods are not over 10,000 units. Anything over that would need to be negotiated with an individual contract.


  • Claim the font is your own work.
  • Redistribute or sell the font in any way.
  • Use the font in a customer-interactive product without purchasing a higher-use license.
  • Create a font derived from the font (including Android, iOS, Embroidery, etc…)
  • Use the font in an app. (Additional license necessary)
  • Use the font as an embedded webfont. (Additional license necessary)
  • Embed the font in an editable product that is sold for commercial use.
  • This license may not be sold, licensed, transferred, or leased in any manner.


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